All donations help us fund new episodes and podcasts
to continue to discuss the important issues affecting
our lives as Americans.

Why should you pledge even $5 a month. The Red White and Blueprint is a Patriot funded, grassroots movement to take our country back, one community at a time. We believe in the Constitution and we believe in the indomitable spirit of each American. Our pledge to you is that we will chronicle and document the process to restore rights and liberty in our own community. We pledge to bring exciting, cutting edge, and real time content direct to you.

We promise to take back the very county in which we live and show you how you can take back yours. We are working diligently and around the clock, but we need your help. Your donation of $5 a month will allow us to keep working so that you can also follow the blueprint to freedom. We are excited to partner with Patriots like yourself to make the biggest possible impact as we fight together to restore greatness in America. Our children deserve nothing less. For $5 a month, you will receive access to live webcasts with cast members and leaders of our movement. Thank you and stay tuned for more exciting content from the Red White and Blueprint.